Air Duct Cleaning
in Lorain, OH and surrounding areas

Quality Air Duct Cleaning in Lorain for Three Decades

Mighty Ducts specializes in air duct cleaning and other services designed to enhance your home’s air quality. Since 1994, we’ve cleaned ductwork systems for over 45,000 homeowners, encountering every type of system imaginable.

Our technicians are all NADCA-certified and have been trusted to service homes like yours for 30 years. As proud Ohioans, we’ve earned the trust of your neighbors and local businesses alike.

Reach Out To Mighty Ducts

At Mighty Ducts Air Duct Cleaning, we pride ourselves on fair and transparent pricing. Our quotes are exact, so you never have to worry about being charged any more than you expected.


26285 Broadway Avenue Bedford, OH 44146

Call Us

(440) 664-3434

Hidden within your vents could be pollen, bacteria, or fire hazards that have accumulated over the years, posing risks to your home and family’s health. However, with state-of-the-art cleaning technology, you can ensure your home’s air remains healthy and clean.

You’re likely asking these questions:

  • How powerful is the vacuum used by an air duct cleaning company?
  • What is the air duct cleaning process like?
  • Does the air duct cleaning include my furnace?


Mighty Ducts has been cleaning ducts in Ohio homes for 30 years. Allow us to inspect your home’s ductwork and evaluate your indoor air quality.

Ohio’s Full-Service Air Duct Cleaning Experts

If we can’t thoroughly clean your entire ductwork system, you pay nothing. However, that’s unlikely to happen. With 30 years of experience, we’ve developed techniques to clean almost any duct and every vent.

Unmatched Customer Service. We’re recognized locally, awarded by Angie’s List, and hold an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Experienced Employees. The average Mighty Duct technician has been with us for 5 years and is dedicated to providing top-notch service to our community.

Cutting-Edge Equipment. Our technicians use the best tools available to ensure a complete and effective duct cleaning for your home.

Client Testimonials

Quotes for Air Duct Cleaning in Lorain, OH

Discover why Northeastern Ohioans have trusted Mighty Duct technicians to keep their air clean and safe. We’re dedicated to working hard to provide you with the comfort you deserve. Put Ohio’s best to work for you. Call today for your air duct cleaning quote!

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