Air Duct Cleaning
in Solon, OH and Surrounding Areas

Hidden in your vents could be pollen, bacteria, or fire hazards, threatening your home’s air quality and your family’s health. For 30 years, Mighty Ducts Air Duct Cleaning has been committed to cleaning ducts across Ohio, using advanced technology to ensure your indoor air stays safe. Let us inspect your ductwork and assess your air quality.

Reach Out To Mighty Ducts

At Mighty Ducts Air Duct Cleaning, we pride ourselves on fair and transparent pricing. Our quotes are exact, so you never have to worry about being charged any more than you expected.


26285 Broadway Avenue Bedford, OH 44146

Call Us

(440) 664-3434

Mighty Ducts - Solon’s Trusted Air Duct Cleaning Team for 30+ Years


Since 1994, Mighty Ducts Air Duct Cleaning has been committed to improving your home’s air quality through expert air duct cleaning and related services. With over 45,000 homes served, we have extensive experience with a wide range of systems.

Our NADCA-certified technicians have been proudly serving Ohio homeowners for 30 years. We’re honored to have earned the trust of your neighbors and local businesses, delivering top-quality service every time.

Ohio’s Complete Air Duct Cleaning Process

If we can’t fully clean your entire ductwork system during our visit, you won’t be charged. However, with over 30 years of experience, it’s highly unlikely. We’ve perfected methods to clean almost every duct and vent.

Skilled Team. On average, our Mighty Ducts Air Duct Cleaning technicians have been with us for 5 years and take great pride in serving their community.

Outstanding Customer Service. We are recognized in our community and have received awards from Angie’s List, along with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Cutting-Edge Equipment. Our technicians utilize top-of-the-line tools to ensure a comprehensive, full-service duct cleaning for your home.

Client Testimonials

Prices for Air Duct Cleaning in Solon, OH

Find out why residents of Northeastern Ohio trust Mighty Ducts Air Duct Cleaning technicians to keep the air in their homes and offices clean and safe. No other air duct cleaning company is as committed to delivering the comfort you deserve. Let Ohio’s finest serve you. Call today for your air duct cleaning quote!

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